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Your Space Place

Why is Saturn Important to Saturn Elementary?

Saturn Elementary is one of the many schools in Brevard County with a space-related name.

What an Awesome (Cape) View!

How well can you see rocket launches from your home? Cape View Elementary has a great view since they're so close to Cape Canaveral, Kennedy Space Center! See how else they are involved with space exploration on this week's #YourSpacePlace.

Columbia Elementary Will Never Forget

Columbia Elementary School's teachers encourage their students to remember the history of the Columbia shuttle disaster but also teaches them to look to the future for space and STEM advancements. Check out this week's episode of #YourSpacePlace to learn more!

How did Mila Elementary get its name?

Mila Elementary is one of the many schools in Brevard County with a space-related name.

What Gemini Means to Gemini Elementary

Gemini has a lot of history to its name and makes sure to connect their STEM programs to the heritage. See how else they are involved with space exploration on this week's #YourSpacePlace.

Where did "The Eagle Has Landed" come from?

The Apollo Program got us to the moon! Apollo Elementary is one of the many schools in Brevard County with a space-related name.

Freedom 7 Elementary Honors Its History!

Freedom 7 Elementary has a long history in celebrating space with Alan Shepard and honoring local heroes. See how else they are involved with space exploration on this week's #YourSpacePlace.

A Clever Endeavour? Endeavour Elementary Thinks So!

Have you ever met an astronaut? Students at Endeavour Elementary have! Check out this week's #YourSpacePlace to find out more about how the school remembers the Endeavour space shuttle.

Atlantis Elementary Dares to Dream!

Atlantis Elementary School aims to show their students that they can strive to be anything they want...even a National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NASA engineer! Check out how they are challenging their students on the newest #YourSpacePlace episode.